
Alert Memory limit reached with plenty available This usually happens when your memory usage hits the limit in spikes. By the time our monitoring... Apache shows error "VirtualHost *:80 -- mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding with undefined results" If Apache shows the error "VirtualHost *:80 -- mixing * ports and non-* ports with a... Apache stops responding with plenty of memory available and low CPU If your Apache web server stops responding and serving content, while you see there is plenty of... Can I add more RAM to my VPS account? You can upgrade or downgrade your VPS at any time. To do so follow these steps:   You may add... Can I add more disk space to my VPS? Yes! Disk space is sold in increments of 10GB and costs $0.50 ger GB. Open a ticket to request... Can I run Symfony 2 sites in a VPS? Yes. Make sure you select a VPS that contains PHP 5.3. Our VPS are configurated and ready to host... Cannot write/change files in /var/www/html To make add/change files in /var/www/html the user has to belong to the group "users". You can... How can I manage MySQL? In order to manage your VPS MySQL installation, you can use phpMyAdmin. This will be accessible... How do I access my files using sftp? SFTP stands for SSH File Transfer Protocol and is used in conjunction with SSH to reliably and... How do I access the apache configuration? Change the Apache configuration to add virtual hosts or make other modifications by going to:... How do I add a domain to my VPS? To add a domain to your VPS, follow these steps: 1) Login to the Control Panel and select the... How do I change the time/timezone of the server ? Due to the virtualization technology, it is not possible to change the actual time of the server.... How do I disable threads for ImageMagick? If you are getting a thread error like "libgomp: Thread creation failed: Resource temporarily... How do I generate a CSR on a VPS SSH into your server Run the following command:(note: replace domain.com with your domain... How do I install a PHP extension? The recommended way to install a PHP extension is using PECL, here is an example. Run the... How do I know what type of OS my VPS runs? Most of our customers' VPS's run on CentOS 5. To get your OS, if you are on CentOS you can look... How do I point the IP address of my VPS to a vhost You just have to add the IP with a ServerAlias directive to the custom settings section of the... How do I set MySQL to listen on localhost only? To set MySQL so it listens on localhost only, effecttively closing port 3306 on your public IP,... How do I set the proper permissions for the document root? We recommend to run these commands for proper permissions; chmod 644 /var/www/html -Rand then... How to add a subdomain or domain alias? Adding a subdomain or domain alias in a VPS is very similar to adding a domain. To add a... How to backup MySQL databases Even though we backup VPS files, it is not recommended to relay on these for MySQL backups.... How to change SSH port We recommend our customers to run SSH in a custom port to avoid common attacks to SSH port 22.... How to determine VPS memory consumption To find out how much free memory you have in your vps, you can use the unix command "free". You... How to enable FTP access to my VPS? We recommend our customers to use SCP/SFTP when they need to transfer files from/to their VPS... How to force https in URLs Using mod_rewrite you can redirect request from http to https URLs. Add this to your .htaccess... How to install SSL certificate in a VPS In order to install a SSL certificate, make sure your plan includes a dedicated IP address. If it... How to install imagick PHP extension If you require imagick support in your VPS, follow these steps in order to install it: Install... How to recompile PHP to upgrade or add new extensions in VPS If you want to upgrade PHP or install a new extension in your VPS, follow these steps: Go to... How to upgrade my VPS port speed? Each VPS has a 100mbit port speed allocation. We recommend to purchase multiple VPS to load... Out of memory errors Virtual private servers (VPS) run with a limited amount of memory, depending on the plan you... Permissions issues with Joomla If you have issues uploading files, installing extensions or similar permission issues, check... Restrict FTP users to a directory The first step is to install a FTP server. You can find how to do it here:... Running CGIs If you need to run CGI scripts, check the following items: - Make sure that mod_cgi is being... The server does not appear in the services list If the server does now show in the services list, you need to: go to the services page,... Usage of ServerGrove PHP Installation The ServerGrove VPSes come with a special installation of PHP that includes most common... What kind of platform do the VPS run on? ServerGrove's Virtual Private Servers (VPS) run on top of OpenVZ. What type of images/operating systems (OS) are available? We currently offer the following images/OSes for VPS: CentOS 5.2 Ubuntu 8.10 If you... htaccess files are ignored If your .htaccess files are being ignored, you need to set the AllowOverride directive for your...
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