
Can I have email with my domain name? Yes, absolutely. In addition to your site, you can create email accounts with your domain name... Can I register multiple years? Yes, you may register your domain for a period of up to 2 years. DNS changes don't seem to take effect, what can I do? If you are running into a situation where you have made changes to the DNS records for your... Do you support domain names from other countries? Yes, we are able to provide DNS services and hosting for the vast majority of TLDs, including... Domain Name Server (DNS) information. Primary Name Server: Server Hostname: Server IP address:... How do I add reverse DNS records to my domain? To add reverse DNS records to your domain you will need to open a ticket with support. Please... How do I cancel automatic renewals of domains? To cancel automatic renewals of domain names, login to the Client Area, go to My Domains, select... How do I point my domain to a ServerGrove account? You simply need to update the DNS records for your domain at your registrar to point to... How do I set SPF for my domain? The quickest and simplest solution that cover most needs is: TXT "v=spf1 +a +mx... How to create a subdomain This is done using the control panel. View Flash demo for steps:... How to order an additional domain? Please log in to our client area ( ) with... How to transfer my domain to ServerGrove In order to transfer a domain from another hosting provider, you must follow these steps: 1) Go... I already have a domain, can I use it on ServerGrove? Of course! Simply open a hosting account at ServerGrove choosing either the "I want to transfer... If I decide to move away from ServerGrove can I take my domain with me? Yes, should you decide to move to another hosting company you can either have the registrar... If I purchase a domain name now, can I add web hosting later? Yes, you can update the DNS information for your domain to point to a hosting account at any time... Private Domains Some of the contact information you provide when registering a domain name has to be made... What is a TLD? A TLD is a Top Level Domain, such as .com, net, .br and .es for example. dominio necesita EPP Para completar la tranferencia del dominio, necesitamos que nos envies el código EPP. Además,...
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